Here are the submissions for Challenge #9. Our members didn’t disappoint. Thanks to everyone who submitted paintings.
Challenge #8 Submissions
Thanks to everyone who submitted paintings for this difficult challenge!
Challenge #7 – Submissions
Many thanks to the artists who participated. Here are their wonderful interpretations of the Challenge #7 pic of Henderson Lake Park. Do they make you think of summer? Can we squeeze in another challenge before garden season starts? Yes! Challenge #8 is now posted. Check the What’s Up tab on menu.
How to Wire a Painting
Submissions to Painting Challenge #6 – Jan 2023
Here are the beautiful submissions that our members sent as their interpretations of the challenge photo: Well done everyone!!
“Stalking Green by Walking” Please attend the opening of the exhibition on Sat. Sept. 6 on the concourse (2nd floor) at CASA between 7 – 9 PM. Our member artists were challenged to produce a painting to interpret a song with the word “walk” in the title, and also to contribute a pair of feet,…
Here is our latest painting challenge to keep you involved in painting as spring approaches. Interpret this photo in any medium you choose. Send a pic of your finished artwork to by April 3.
Challenge # 4 – completed works
Here are the interpretations of the Nikka Yuko tree. Thanks all for participating. This is one of the original trees planted in the Nikka Yuko Garden in Lethbridge. Hope that looking at this shady spot will bring some relief from summer temps.
Challenge #3 – Completed works
Here are the interpretations of Challenge 3 photograph. Thank you to all the artists that completed this project. Hope you enjoy them! Look for the next Photo Challenge #4 which will run for the summer.
Painting Challenge #3 It’s cherry time!
Here is the photo for our third challenge . We encourage you all to paint this lovely picture. Please send your images of completed work to by May 30. Shortly after that I will post them here.
Painting Challenge #2 – Artists’ Interpretations
Here is the picture and the works that our artists did in response to this challenging photo: Well done!
Painting Challenge – Lomond Grade 9 guest page
We are very pleased to feature some guest artists! Enjoy these interpretations of our winter scene painting challenge by this group of grade 9 art students from Lomond School. We hope you continue to work hard to realize your ideas creatively. Hope to see you again!
Painting Challenge Exhibition
Here are the wonderful interpretations we received in this winter challenge. Thanks to everyone who broke out of the winter doldrums and picked up a brush, or pencil…pastel…well done everyone! Let’s do this again!
“The Four Seasons in the River Valley” Exhibition at Helen Schuler Nature Centre
We encourage everyone to view this excellent exhibition now hanging in the Gallery of The Helen Schuler Nature Centre. It will run from August 3 to September 26, 2021. The Four Seasons in the River Valley” exhibition asked artists to create a work, in any medium. featuring one of the seasons in the river valley….
Read about Soba Kaluthota!
Read this interesting article about our member, Soba. It’s very interesting as it speaks about her childhood, her education, her art… Here’s the link:
Bored? check out the articles in our Resources …under Classes & Workshops
Business Owners – would a small exhibition of local art improve your vibe?
Interested in having a small exhibition of local art to enhance your space? All you have to provide is a nice wall and we’ll hang the paintings. You can change the paintings every few months. Choose paintings from our Artists’ Gallery. We would be happy to guide you in your choices. There is no charge…
Mural at St. Therese Villa by volunteer painters
Check out the “Why Join?” – “Volunteering” to see the mural recently completed by some of our members.
Exhibition of work at 2020 Plein Air Destinations – Sept/Oct
We were very lucky to have had terrific weather for the first 4 destinations, but unfortunately an October snow “event” caused the cancellation of the St. Henry’s Church trip. We will reschedule this trip in spring/summer of 2021 and many others as we found there is an interest in our club for painting outdoors. This…
Linda Sprinkle
I was always interested in art, drawing in particular, and sketched for many years before I took my first watercolor class from Bob Croskery at the urging on my younger sister in 1982. I loved it (she didn’t) and I continued with it for decades, while working and raising a family. I did show and…